Thursday, September 1, 2011

This is the beauty of campus that most people look past in order to get a bigger picture. Last year I started a habit of taking fairly long walks whenever life just got too busy of frustrating, or not busy enough. It gave me the chance to think and relax in my favorite kind of environment, the outdoors. A nice little side effect of these walks was the fact that I never planned out where I was going, but I didn't take the exact same route each time either, so I got to know the campus very well. One thing I learned from these walks, though, is that no matter how much I thought I'd seen it all, there were always little surprises here and there. My favorites were the animals that seemed to pop up everywhere, but I loved all the simple natural sights as well. With this photo project I tried to show a little bit of these experiences and the beauty I see in simple, unexpected places. For each picture except the last day there were animals I tried to get pictures of but after the first failure at that I learned that wasn't going to happen. Like I said previously, though, I consider the pictures I ended up with just as good. So far I haven't really learned anything about visual communication because communication is a two way process and no one's seen these yet. I do know that visual communication can be tough, especially without explanation, because two people can look at the same thing but see something different. I think the main goal is to try to show things the way I see them and maybe someone else will see them that way too, or just that it will make an impact in a positive way.

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